Saturday, December 19, 2009

Give me a push!

I used to have it,
I really did!
I'll show you!

At least,
I don't remember it
taking me so long

to start the creative
process before.

I find myself sitting in the chair staring at my table, not even at the paper in front of me, or one of my rubber stamp drawers....just at the table. I know that I am off this year...let's see, why is that?

  • Mom broke her hip in March, and I flew from MN to IL to take care of her for three months, which did not sit well with my youngest daughter
  • Coming home and having my baby graduate five days later
  • Beginning a search for a new home to rent that would accommodate my mother moving in with us, finding it in one week and due to bizarre circumstances.... packing/moving in/and starting the unpacking in a two week period
  • Getting Grace ready for college, and proceding to lose it once she is gone
  • After having a rent-to-own situation fall through for my mom, working my magic to get her house listed (thinking it would be quite a while before it sold) and having it sell the day we put it on the market....for the asking price!
  • Packing and flying out in two days to get her ENTIRE house ready to close in three weeks!!!!!!!!!
  • Arranging, organizing, packing EVERYTHING
  • Moving mom up here with my brother's help, and dealing with all that entails
  • Beginning to unpack mom, having a month of FM flare-ups, and continuing to unpack our crap at the same time... while practically "sainting" myself in grand co-dependant style attempting to make sure mom is adjusting well

Oh jeez....
stop your whining
and get back to your table!

p.s. these pages were from a two page spread in an altered book where you chose a letter, and went with it.

1 comment:

  1. Dear, dear friend! Oh my so many changes in such a short period of wonder you're creative process is stuck in neutral...find something, dear one...ANYTHING that will inspire you. For me it's reading, magazines. And when you are overwhelmed with the grief and loss of so much in so little time...remember to count your blessings...although getting your mom to where she is now took every ounce of strength you could least you HAVE your mother with you STILL...and you will be able, to say at her casket, that you lived with NO REGRETS. That is a wonderful gift to give to yourself...

    You're in my prayers,dear friend!
