Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to the Gnomelings

Sorry this has taken so can just get in the way of our fun!

How sweet it would be to have such a simple life, I envy these Gnomes, and all of their little friends!

Even a snake's house looks like inviting to another snake!

Can you believe how helpful these Gnomes are? I wonder if they ever have any bad job reviews!!!

I am giving serious thought to donning a red felt hat, and finding a mushroom somewhere in northern Minnesota....could be a sweet existence!

Fear not my fellow Gnomaldings, there are still a few more pages in the book! Until then, always remember to treat your neighbors like you would like to be treated!
XXXOOO....Faith Lynn

1 comment:

  1. How completely wonderful...ah yes...I wonder if gnomes need counselors? Why would they? Theirs looks like a fairly stress free life...however there are STILL those ugly INHERITED dysfunctions...hmmm. Perhaps I should hang out a shingle on a gnome home and set up shop?

    Wanna be my red-felt-hatted-receptionist?

    Hugs to you my friend!
