Monday, January 4, 2010

Bucket LIst

What would I like to do before I can say that I'm ready to let go of this life?

Touch A Whale! I want to be a Vulcan and mind- meld!

Take my family to Yosemite National Park!

Buy Spence his Hobby Farm, with the goats he so loves!

Travel to Scotland and sleep in a drafty, old castle.

Spend a day working side-by-side with President Jimmy Carter on a Habitat house....but if he's too tired, a nice lunch would be great!

.....That's a beginning!


  1. Freakish how we share interests...I'd love to swim with the whales and stay in a drafty castle in Scotland. Funny how our lives have run parallel paths, huh?

  2. I know!!!!! It's like twins separated at 10th grade...I love it!
